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其實我回國以後也要開始做志工, 因為算命的說我要做志工才會發.

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前一陣子和 Host Family 吃飯,當中提到,每個國家對於小孩的教育的不同.
Home ma 認為世界的教育是這樣子的

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哇 現在寫這個寫的這麼勤 不知道這個三分鐘熱度可以持續多久

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上個週末我去參觀這裡的玫瑰花園(International test Rose Garden),這是一個很漂亮的地方,據說有六百多種玫瑰,在那邊的玫瑰花真的是五彩繽紛.



IMG_0351.JPG 也有新人再這裡拍婚紗照,感覺很幸福吧.

IMG_0374.JPG 美麗的玫瑰

IMG_0381.JPG 就是這條路,我走了很久.

IMG_0365.JPG 很漂亮的花園.

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One week ago, I came here with a little nervous and excited mood.

The first impression is people here are very friendly and polite.

The weather here is cold if no sun and it is a very good here is not so humd.

There are many students from different countries but the most of them are from Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

It's so many Taiwanese here. That's a pitty, but it's fine I could make friend with other country.

My housemate is a Korean. He is a kind person.

And there are from Japan, Taiwan, and some country I don't remember it.

The home stay is wounderful. I'm very fortunate could stay here.

Home pa his name is Randolph. He is a very kind and funny old man.

You can't image that such an old man could be so enthusiastic.

Home ma her name is Christine. She is a very simple woman.

She doesn't hide her emotion. If she wants to laugh, she would never only just smile. She will laugh loudly.

They are all funny people.

There are many beautiful places here.

Last weekend I went to the coast named seaside.

I will show it next time.

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6/30 ~ 7/4 是我參加北政聯合投資理財營

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前幾天在理財營裡面,大家都用 usb 碟,當看到大家插來插去插得很高興,心中就有一股寒意。

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